Thursday, 3 September 2020

New state of the art cathode ray tube recycling plant opens in South Australia

Another 20 jobs will be created over the next six months at Australia’s first TV and computer monitor glass recycling plant at Gepps Cross in Adelaide.

Australia’s first TV recycling plant officially launched

South Australia has taken another important step in cracking down on waste with the launch of Australia’s first and only television and computer monitor glass recycling plant.

Environment and Conservation Minister Jay Weatherill today officially launched CRT Recycling Gepps Cross Plant, which is expected to recycle glass from more than 300,000 TV and computer screens each year.

“Computer and electronic waste is building up in landfill with up to 1.5 million computers and 1.5 million TVs nationally going there each year.”

“Historically, what to do with the Cathode Ray Tubes from TVs and computer monitors has been a problem.

“CRT Recycling is taking hazardous material and transforming it into glass that will be used all around the world, largely for making new TV screens and monitors.

“The company this year was awarded a State Government grant of more than $290,000 to install a glass cutting and cleaning system.”

CRT Recycling uses specially designed processes and machinery to clean, separate and remove contamination from Cathode Ray Tube glass from TVs and computer monitors for recycling.

Mr. Weatherill said the launch of Australia’s first TV and computer monitor glass recycling plant was another example of South Australians taking the lead in environmental issues.

As last year’s State of the Environment Report made clear, South Australia is the leading recycling state on a per capita basis.

“Most recently, we’ve banned checkout-style plastic bags to remove 400 million of them from litter and landfill each year, which will further entrench our leading position.”

“South Australia has the nation’s only container deposit scheme, which has made the State an attractive place for the recycling industry.”

“This is why we are well-positioned to increase reuse and crack down on materials going to landfill.”

“We recently completed consultation on our draft Waste to Resources policy, which includes plans to ban products such as light globes, TVs, computers and whitegoods from landfill.”

“The Environment Protection Authority currently is collating feedback from that consultation.”

CRT Recycling Managing Director Michelle Morton said it was time people stopped viewing this type of material as waste.

“These items shouldn’t be seen as waste, but as a valued resource that is in demand around the world for a number of applications.”

Ms Morton said while most of the recycled material went toward new TVs and computers overseas, Canberra artist Luna Ryan was using the glass to make sculptures, which she had on display at today’s launch.

CRT Recycling


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